Workforce aging is a consequence of population aging. Learn more about the basics in this short video.
If you're interested in some more information about workforce aging, here are a few useful resources about...
The Risk Pool, an article in the New Yorker by Malcolm Gladwell, tells a compelling story indicating how important the old-age-dependency ratio can be for a country's economic success.
For those of you who might say "Show me the data!", The Economist published a series of articles on the economics of population aging and pensions.
Click here to access a completely free practical tool you can use to assess your own workforce for evidence of population aging. You have to register your e-mail address, but they won't charge you anything.
If you're interested in learning more about the aging of the United States' workforce, in particular, click on the figure to the left. It will direct you to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' spotlight on older workers.
The Aging US Workforce: A Chartbook of Demographic Shifts - Prepared by the Stanford Center on Longevity
Pensions: 70 or bust! - One of a series of articles published in The Economist on workforce aging
The Talent Management Study - A series of publications from the Boston College Sloan Center on Aging & Work that highlights workforce aging issues in specific economic sectors
AARP Webpage on Work & Retirement